Thursday, August 21, 2008

What a day...

I have no pictures today and it may have something to do with the fact that I am going CRAZY. I still have all of the kiddos that I am keeping this week and I am a little tired. I do have to tell you that I think I would lose my mind if I did this full time.

Alyssa came home last night from shooting a Addias commercial...She was really excited to be one of the 15 girls chosen to shoot the commercial at the Toyota Center. If we hear when it comes on I will post the details so we can see our Super Star!

Tomorrow morning we go to meet the teacher for Jackson. I will post and let you know what happens. He is a little nervous and is worried about bullies giving him a wedgie. I am not sure where he got that from, but I have been telling him to " Fear not for I am with you always" Isaiah 41:10. He seems really comforted that GOD is always with him even when Momma is not.

1 comment:

Lisa Johnson said...

I can't believe Alyssa was in a commercial!! When were you going to tell me?? That is so cool!

ps. I still have your chocolate chip cookies.