Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ok so I am not such a great blogger .....

Well a lot has happened since I last posted. Jackson has gone to Kindergarten and Dalton's surgery being moved up have been the biggest things. Well life has been pretty crazy we were without power for 13 days with Hurricane IKE.... thank goodness for great friends. Jackson loved staying with our friends because it felt like playtime all of the time.

Here are a couple of pictures of the boys

Jackson is playing soccer for the YMCA. He does not know if he really likes it yet. So far he looks forward to the snack at the end of the game.

Here we are at the pumpkin patch. Jackson loved picking out the pumpkins and Dalton just loved being outside. He is such an easy and sweet baby!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What a day...

I have no pictures today and it may have something to do with the fact that I am going CRAZY. I still have all of the kiddos that I am keeping this week and I am a little tired. I do have to tell you that I think I would lose my mind if I did this full time.

Alyssa came home last night from shooting a Addias commercial...She was really excited to be one of the 15 girls chosen to shoot the commercial at the Toyota Center. If we hear when it comes on I will post the details so we can see our Super Star!

Tomorrow morning we go to meet the teacher for Jackson. I will post and let you know what happens. He is a little nervous and is worried about bullies giving him a wedgie. I am not sure where he got that from, but I have been telling him to " Fear not for I am with you always" Isaiah 41:10. He seems really comforted that GOD is always with him even when Momma is not.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fun with Play Dough....

Today we had a lot of kiddos at the house. All of teachers are required to be back at school so I am helping out by keeping their kiddos.... Boy, what a task!
Here is the gang.....
After a much needed quite time we got up and decided to make a pond ecosystem out of Play Dough. I know I am such a nerd and teacher at heart. I made the fish and Jackson was so proud of his made me laugh.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Best Fort Ever....

I know it seems like forever since I have posted, but we had a crazy week. Aaron and I were getting the house ready for Alyssa and Tanner, our niece and nephew, to come home. Aaron went to court last Monday and we received permanent custody of them. I went from only having one kiddo in January to having 4 in August. CRAZY !!!!
Alyssa is 16, Tanner is 13, Jackson is 5 and Dalton is 11 weeks today. He slept through the night for the 1st time on Sunday. He made it from 10:30pm until 6 am YEAH!!!
The boys built the "The Coolest Fort Ever"....Here are a few pictures.

No Girls Allowed....that includes Mom too!And while the boys were building Alyssa was on the computer.... Girls......

And here is Dalton and his baby blues.... I am so excited that he has blue eyes!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Dalton went to the doctor today for his 2 month well check. He has grown so much since he was born. He weighed 11 lbs 9 oz today and was 23 inches long. He was in the 50th percentile for both. Dalton was not excited about his visit he got 5 shots and 1 oral immunization. All he has done since we have been home is sleep or cry. So I know it has been a couple of days since I have written, but I will be back hopefully tomorrow with some pictures and the update from the weekend.

Poor little man.... :(

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Alyssa is HOME....

It has been a long day today. I woke up this morning with a cold. There is nothing worse than a cold during the middle of summer.

Alyssa came home late Sunday night and began Drill Team practice on Monday. She says that it is really hard. They had to wall sits ....her legs are killing her!! YUCK. Thank goodness she was able to come home and relax...Yeah right Jackson kept her busy painting little dinosaurs.

I promise Jackson was happy about getting to do this craft....

Jackson painted Spike and Alyssa Dino.... they turned out really cute.

Dalton played with his friend the leapfrog worm. He loves it and just coos and smiles at the little toy.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Kyle

Well it has been a crazy couple of days around here.... We had some good friends over for dinner on Thursday night and it was so refreshing just to hang out while the kiddos played. Jackson had a blast and Dalton was so worn out that he slept until 4am!!! I thought this picture was so cute of Jackson and his friends.

Miss. "E" she was so cute with the hat on I could not resist. She loves babies and is so sweet with Dalton.

I love this picture there are actually 3 boys in it. Can you spot the 3rd boy? If you look carefully one of the boys has an extra ear. It cracks me up that they posed for the picture like superheros would.

We had a blast I am glad they came for dinner. :)

Well today was my brother Kyle's 26th birthday. We had a little get together for him at my mom's house. It is so crazy to have my mom and dad in the same room and laughing together. The best part was my dad was holding Dalton and my mom was by him talking. I heard them talking about Dalton's eyes and whether or not they were going to stay blue. Then they started talking about when Kyle was a baby and they could not decide if his eyes were going to stay blue. I know it may sound weird, but I don't think I have ever heard them talk about things that happened when they were together. It is just nice to hear sometimes..... that they were happy. Ok here are some pictures from the party....

Lauren taking a swim....

Dad and Uncle John

How BIG is Dalton??? So BIG.....

Kyle and Kelsey....this is a really bad picture, but we had to have the birthday boy!

Grandpa, TuTu and Dalton....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Aaron is offically right.....

I am turning into the internet queen. I said I would never have a blog and well here I am..... I thought this would be a great way to let my family and friends stay up to date with all of the day to day happenings. So here goes nothing....

Well today we were bums.... I don't know what I am going to do when Aaron has to go back to work. I truly enjoy having my husband home with me. You would think that we would be sick of each other, but I enjoy being with him.

Dalton was such a champ last night he slept from 10 pm to 3 am. That is the biggest block he has slept since he was born. He has been in such a great mood today flapping his arms and kicking his legs. Making all of the cute baby noises.

This evening after dinner we decided to go on a walk. Jackson decided he was going to ride his bike. He was so pumped because he was wearing his helmet and got to lead the walk. He is turning into such a big boy. I am so proud of him.
He was acting so silly.....

Dalton was ready for the walk or bed it was hard to determine.
And we are off....He rode so hard and we made it to the end of our street we should have known how the bike ride would have ended up.

Thank goodness for Dad ....

Well I am off to bed before it is time to get up and feed the baby.